Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Indoctrination or education?

 It is generally held that schools should be politically neutral. Here is a private Catalan nursery school  (Les Alzines in Girona) with banners saying 'Towards Independence' in Catalan and English. They are in a prominent position beside maps and other Catalan material. The school is connected with the extreme Catholic group Opus Dei.
Un aula de preescolar del colegio Les Alzines, de Gerona, donde se observan dos carteles con el lema -en catalán y en inglés- "Hacia la independencia" 

 Here it is again in a tweet from a fortnight ago.
 Here is a classroom in a Barcelona secondary school (IES La Sedeta) showing an 'estelada' (independence flag) in the top right (YouTube)

Reference (Spanish) here.

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